Friday, June 25, 2010


I HAVE OFFICIALLY LOST 20 LBS SINCE MARCH 8TH! ;) so 20 lbs in 3.5 ish def. ok with that math!

i am so close to my original goal...5-10 lbs left....but at the same time i am super proud of my accomplishment and id kinda like a a break from all this no-eating business..who knows...with all the moving, painting, searching business i should still be getting plenty of work out lol

in other news....relating back to my last post..... i am still in anticipation of course..... but after these past couple of weeks of work i am STOKED to have some time off....i am so mentally and emotionally drained at this point all i want to do is take some vaca days to sleep in and lounge by the pool with a limited agenda...not too long of course... but i am no longer stressing over that business...too many other things to do ;;)

thats it for today! we are officially moving the stuff to dallas tommorrow ;) EXCITED!!

Sunday, June 20, 2010


theres a lot of exciting things going on with the Lows...and a lot of uncertainty. we are ecstatic and simultaneously wary at the same time.

We do now have a HOME! as of june 24th our official residence will change from Bryan to Dallas
We are moving EVERYTHING up there next weekend then i will live as a vagabond for another week and a half while i finish work

and speaking of work....ive been so stressed with work itself lately that TONIGHT it has officially hit me that i only have a set place of employment for 3 more weeks.....that's quite a bit unnerving.

luckily i will have the financial and emotional support of my handsome, wonderful husband.. BUT..if you know quite independent...and i KNOW it will all work out and brent will take care of me but i like to be able to contribute....its just a hard concept to swallow......but its a little nice to think i get a little break to get some general STUFF done.....

(i dont know it you see the wish-washy trend here ;)

i am rather excited to think i have DAY time to finish my supplemental PA apps, PAINT and organize our apt, plant some homey greenery on our porch, address change, acclimate myself to the new BIG environment, see my husband everyDAY again finally, see SOOO many of my friends again as we will live in the same town again....jennifer, sarah, rachel, sean, kristen, justin, amanda, erin, lisa, kim, allie, nat...i could go on and on trust me.

and of course., look for work! ive got some contacts trying to help right now soo please pray hopefully that something will happen from that b/c that would be SUCH A HUGE BLESSING!

and last but not least....i am really nervous/happy to live in the big D. as much as i love it....i have to admit i have never ever lived there...ive never stayed there more than a max of 5 days even...ever..... its going to be quite a new experience for me

ok so heres my game plan to keep as grounded as possbile
#1. Pray. hard. I KNOW God will take care of us, that whatever happens will only make us stronger, better people, and that i have support to help us transition

#2. im going to try to take Brent's advice and RELAX and take one thing at a time
(he actually told me tonight when i told him i was stressing that he was wondering when this would sink in b.c i had been oddly calm thus far). Plus hes my honey....i know with all my heart he'll take care of me just like i take care of him and we will rock this!

#3 be PATIENT (whispers..."try")

#4 keep working on the diet b/c im feeling GREAT about my weight loss and the last thing i want it to not only be stressed, busy, and unemployed...but back to hefty as well-that will not do. currently at 19.6 loss since March as of last week.....trying to get to 20 lbs before i leave the B/CS.....


so there you have little fearful, faithful, freakin out, friendly, fired up, funky, full of enthusiasm FEATURE for you!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

oh and brent and I finished our project 365 a few weeks ago! i am actually very proud of the finished product....if you want to check it out go to my facebook...ive got it all layed out adn explained. eventually brent and i want to turn our work into a coffee table book!

YEAH with a capital EAH!

So i know it has been quite a while since my last post.... basically my absence was mostly due to my insistence on finishing my PA school application by June 1st. My own personal goal and i made it! as of 7:56 pm on 06/01/2010 i am officially done with the first part of the PA process....let me explain

the PA school application process begins with the centralized PA school application
once this is submitted its on to the supplemental applcations from each individual school you applied to
then comes the waiting game to find out if you got any interviews (in the fall)
then if you get the interviews, theres the intense prep for the interviews
then after interviews comes another waiting game to find out if you get in
if you find out you got it now comes the actual SCHOOL part :)
so thats 2.5 years of intense schooling, then the PA compentancy test, then your first job! lol

its really not so bad as it seems... thats just an overdramatization of a simply tedious and tricky process!

but dont get me wrong... I AM ECSTATIC to have the big application off my plate!!!! i feel very excited that i met my goal and can move on to my other ventures.......

so now that the big daddy of my time is done....on to what else has been going on with me....

Brent started a new job in Dallas a few weeks back so we have been doing the long distance thing again for now the 3rd time in our relationship...this time it sees a little bit better (little i say, just a little). i really think the only reason is that i know itll be over soon and ive had so much to get done around here. i miss him like crazy! its amazing how i feel im falling in love with him more and more every day

so right now brents getting his feet wet with the new job which he seems to like, finding us a new place to live, and getting us all set to move up to the big D

and as brent does that in Dallas, im starting to pack our little apt here, get things together to change addresses, declutter our space, and take care of loose ends in general

and i realized i havent updated you on my weight loss updates! :)
so as of last week i have officially lost 17.8 lbs!!! i havent lost a pound in a month but at the same time i havent gained any back so its still quite an accomplishment. I met my second weight loss goal which means i get to buy new fancy jeans but so far i havent found ones i just "have to have " yet plus its starting to get to the mid-90s range here so jean-buying is not my top priority right now :) my goal is AT LEAST 5 more lbs, 10 would be ideal. 10 more off and it be as easy to maintain as i have been now for a month at my current weight should be good :) and i was actually ok with the way i looked in a bikini last week- lets say it all together- PERSONAL GROWTH. :)

i started softball again with S&W last week- GO GANG GREEN! :P

and i have a girls weekend coming up this weekend in Houston and Galveston that i cannot WAIT to get to!! i have been pumped for it for months now! we're going to celebrate birthdays, applications, graduations, sand castles, shrimp, and girls being awesome!! :)

so i will keep you posted on all of these goodies i just gave you! im sure this next month will entail a ton of changes! :)