the word page below was a fun, decorative way for me to put all the fun stuff we did at the shower since we didnt really have photo proof of ALL the activities. this way its artsy and gives jennifer a way to remember what we did at the shower!
gotta highlight the guest of honor :)
after the decor/pic pages we put in the "Future Prediction" pages we filled out at the shower and then a pic of that guest and jennifer at the shower!
hope you enjoyed it! it was fun to make and i really liked the outcome :) hopefully Jennifer does as well!
Oh my goodness I love it! I knew it would be this amazing, seriously. I was going over it with Rachel the other night about how creative you are. You make things but just drawing them and cutting them out! I wish I could be as creative as you are! It was absolutely perfect, sentimental, and creative! I LOVE it! :-)
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